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Vegan at Heart

30 Missions

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Mission #11:
Wonderful World of Vegweb

Dear Vegan at Heart,

Today's mission is to introduce yourself to the wonderful world of

I heart VegWeb. Where else can you find a searchable list of a gazillion delicious rated and reviewed vegan recipes?

  1. Set your timer to 5 minutes.
  2. Visit VegWeb
  3. In left column, click on "register for an account" and follow the directions. (In an upcoming email I will explain why you're registering.)
  4. With the rest of your 5 minutes, just browse around on the website.

Enjoy exploring!


P.s. Wasser und Vitamintabletten. (I'm half-German. Might as well learn some German while we're at it!)


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You Said It!
Won't Let Me Do It
They won't let me register!!!!!!!!!
Leah (Thu, 22nd Mar, 2012)

You Said It!
Malware Warning!
I, too, got a malware warning -- I see that this was reported in January as well. Please advise!
Heidi (Tue, 13th Mar, 2012)
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